Hope Never Dies is an inspirational book of “hope” that has the real potential to help and save thousands of lives! This important book is divided into three parts.
Part One chronicles the true-compelling stories of 20 people, interviewed by Rick Shapiro, who have “beaten the odds” and whom are living 5, 10 and 20 plus years after receiving devastating, shocking terminal cancer prognoses. Most of these survivors are not just surviving, but thriving, and have confounded their mainstream doctors by defying their dire predictions. They were told: “get your affairs in order,” “we can arrange hospice,” “there is nothing more we can do,”, or words to that effect. Most people were given less than one year to live, some as few as 3 weeks to 6 months. Their diagnoses and erroneous prognoses were often given by renowned cancer specialists or oncologists at major cancer centers throughout the United States.
Make no mistake, these people had irrefutable, biopsy-proven, and diagnostically confirmed Stage 4 and terminal cancers such as: breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain cancer, ovarian cancer, melanoma, uterine cancer, and other cancers. There is much to learn from reading their fascinating stories and “what they did”, regarding treatments and therapies to defy the odds. Their journeys are candid, enlightening and insightful.
“…an inspiration not only for patients and their families, but a critical message for the conventional oncology community to awaken to the value of a true integrative approach that is too frequently absent in cancer care today.”
—D. Barry Boyd, M.D., M.S., Assistant Prof. of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, Director of Cancer Nutrition, Yale New Haven Health, Senior Attending Medical Oncology, Greenwich Hospital-Yale Health
Part Two features exclusive interviews, conducted by Rick Shapiro, of 5 internationally renowned, cancer doctors and specialists. Their illuminating insights regarding safe, evidence-based integrative and alternative cancer therapies and treatments are saving lives, now. These life-savers: Keith Block, M.D., Robert Nagourney, M.D., Jeanne Wallace, Ph.D., C.N.C., Donnie Yance, Jr., C.N., M.H., and Dwight McKee, M.D., are veritable trailblazers and true thought leaders known for groundbreaking clinical work. Their cutting-edge recommendations and protocols often bring exceptional outcomes to their patients. This section informs patients, their loved ones, medical practitioners, and anyone interested in learning of remarkable, rational, effective medical strategies, about “how” these “difference-makers” deliver personalized therapies and recommendations that extend lives, save lives and enhance quality of life, beyond the expectations of strictly, conventional medicine.
“What a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and the true meaning of hope. The stories of terminal cancer ‘thrivers’ along with therapies and commentary by leading cancer specialists, makes Hope Never Dies a must read for anyone living with cancer, their families, and the medical community at large.”
—Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., Fellowship Director, Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, and Cancer Thriver
Part Three provides patients with an essential guide to critical, focused questions, 83 in total, that all patients should consider asking their “prospective” cancer doctors, before choosing a cancer fighting regimen. These important questions empower and inform patients to become knowledgeable participants in their critical healthcare strategies. These inquiries should help patients and their advocates choose a more precise, customized regimen, in concert with their doctors, that fits a well-conceived personal approach.
“Rick Shapiro’s amazing book, Hope Never Dies, is a wonderful and important reference for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer. It is a must read for everyone in the field of oncology, and all my patients, present and future. Read the stories and interviews, digest the material. Your life or that of someone you know may depend on it.”
—Robert Zieve, M.D., Medical Director, Partners in Integrative Cancer Therapies